CISO burnout is on the rise

Burnout is a real concern in the world of cyber security, with CISOs under incredible pressure to protect the organisations they work for from a growing number of threats.

To be an effective CISO, you have to be at your best, and this is why it’s time to prioritise your well-being.

This includes taking steps to combat burnout, such as exercising, eating well, drinking enough water and giving yourself the opportunity to take a break.

But it also means bringing in the support you need to take the right approach to cyber security for the business you work for and the specific risks and threats it faces.

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The burnout challenge for CISOs

The responsibilities of a CISO are immense and the landscape against which they are tasked with protecting organisations is challenging and ever-changing.

From developing, implementing and enforcing security policies to reporting to the board and shareholders, this is a complex role that continues to evolve as the cyber world matures.

It should come as no surprise that this level of pressure and expectation, combined with the responsibilities of the position and the cost of making a mistake, means many CISOs are burned out.

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CRMG: Your cyber security ally

A key factor in CISOs suffering burnout is the increasing pressure they are under to manage an emerging risk that senior leaders have yet to get their arms around.

But CISOs need buy-in from the top down and support from the entire business to fulfil the role effectively, especially in the event of a major cyber incident.

This is where CRMG comes in.

We help organisations and CISOs take a risk-based approach to cyber security so that they can target resources and efforts on critical assets, the greatest vulnerabilities and the areas that will yield the best results.

CRMG’s risk-based approach is delivered by an experienced team of cyber specialists with real-world experience. We know how large, complex organisations work, and just how tough it can be to achieve cyber resilience.

By working with CRMG, CISOs can cut through to the board and directly address the areas of concern by taking a risk-based approach to cyber security.

This reduces the pressure on CISOs while protecting the business and its networks, systems and data, based on the real-world risks it faces and the resources available to ensure resilience.

These are just some of the services we offer to support CISOs and businesses:

Cyber Security Programme Support

Tailored consultancy to help you take control of your cyber security programme.

Cyber Risk Assessment

Pragmatic, outcome-focused cyber risk assessment that the business can understand.

Cyber Security Checkup

Refine your cyber security programme so that it fits your risk profile.

Third Party Risk Management

Control the cyber risk associated with critical third-party relationships.

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